investing in you
Taking the decision to invest in yourself is a powerful decision – you are saying YES to your own personal growth, YES to becoming the best version of you, YES to letting go of things that are holding you back in life, YES to your own happiness! Working on yourself not only has massive benefits to your own self-confidence, self-belief and self-worth, it provides a ripple effect which means that it creates a positive impact on those around you as well!
However, investing in ourselves can seem alien to a lot of people – the very idea of it can often bring on feelings of guilt. We are so conditioned to put other people’s needs before our own, that when we do something just for us, we feel selfish. We may feel like we will be judged for spending money on ourselves or for asking for help. And so we carry on as we are, putting our needs to the bottom of the list again and investing our time and energy on everything else. But at what cost?
Whatever it is that you feel needs to change will always be there until you give it the time and attention it deserves.
Not making yourself a priority leads to feelings of dissatisfaction, it causes you to feel stuck in life – how would you feel being in exactly the same place/mindset this time next year and feeling like you have lost a year of your life?
Feeling like what you do or don’t do is ruled by your fear of other peoples’ opinions; holding back on what you really want to do; being in a constant state of worry about the future or the past; feeling like ‘is this it?’
How much is your happiness worth to you?
One of the biggest challenges we face when we try to make a change is our own self-discipline and
this is one of the manyreasons why life coaching is priceless!
As a coach I will hold you accountable to the actions you want to take to transform your life to the one you want to live.
I will support, guide and encourage you, keeping you on track to
navigate the challenges and get you to where you want to be and how you wan to feel.
Together, we will work to uncover the true root cause of what is holding you back
so that you can start to re-write your story and live the life you desire.



Powerful 2 hour coaching sessions designed to help you breakthrough what’s holding you back in a specific area of your life, and empower you to make sustainable positive changes.
Barrier Breakthrough Sessions provide a safe space for you to talk freely without judgement; a space where we focus solely on you and what you want to work on without interruption.
These powerful sessions allow you to think on a deeper level about what you really want, and to brainstorm ideas together and come up with an action plan for you that will pave the way for meaningful change.
We will work on behaviours and habits that you want to change and uncover what is getting in the way of those changes, whilst putting into place techniques to support you to reframe your mindset which will allow you to make sustainable positive changes.

1:1 coaching sessions are designed to work on an area(s) of your life that you would like to make some positive changes to. These sessions are designed to focus solely on what you want to work on.
As a coach I will work in partnership with you, holding you accountable to the actions you want to take to transform your life to the one you want to live.
I will support, guide and encourage you, keeping you on track to navigate the challenges and get you to where you want to be and how you want to feel.
Together, we will work to uncover the true root cause of what is holding you back so that you can start to re-write your story and live the life you desire.
Sessions are 90 minutes long every 2 weeks.
3 & 6 month packages available.
An 8 step programme that will change how you prioritise your well-being and allow you to live a life you love on your own terms.
Over the course of 12 sessions, we will cover areas such as mindset, boundaries, communication, connection, values, coping skills, and finding your joy; and how they specifically relate to and impact your own life.
There is also 2 refelction sessions where you will choose an area you want to work more on.
The final session will ensure you have all the tools and techniques you need to move your life forward into the lifestyle you long for.
By the end of this programme you will:
– build the best relationship with yourself through self-awareness, self-respect and self-love;
– know what’s really important to yu and how to live in alignment with that;
– know how to protect your time and energy with yourself and others;
– know how to communicate openly and honestly to get what you want;
– learn tools and techniques to cope with every-day stresses;
– build on relationships and make them more meaningful;
– bring balance joy and fun into your every day life.

Others Feel

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